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8 September 2021
Annaberg-Buchholz, Germany
B2B@ DigitalRailConvention2021

B2B in a nutshell: B2B_inAnutshell.doc.pdf

Welcome to B2B@digitalrailconvention2021

Gain new business contacts & interesting 
opportunities for partnership
through targeted 1:1 meetings

The B2B event is taking place on 8 September 2021 as part of the Digital Rail Convention 2021. It is basically planned as an on-site event, but can also be carried out virtually due to the current uncertain situation (Covid).

Are you looking for

  • New clients or partners for your company?
  • Partners, to develop your business or research projects?
  • Involvement in research projects?
  • Boosting the innovativeness of your business

The B2B@digitalrailconvention2021 brings together companies from a different European countries and offers a unique opportunity to generate new business contacts and contracts. The model is time - and cost efficient and result in business! Meetings will take place in a dedicated area and will be arranged in advance by means of this website.

Topics addressed of the B2B: 

Digitisation | Rail infrastructure | IoT(5G) | Energy storage/ Power to X |
Components/ Sensors | Data processing | Engines | Big Data/ A.I | Digital Twin
/ Functionalities in composite materials
| Rail products and services |
Smart energy/ Energy supply | Other

How can you benefit from this event?

  • Publish and showcase your products, projects, services or business needs to event participants
  • Initiate and arrange promising pre-scheduled 1:1 meetings at the event
  • Generate fresh leads and meet new contacts in a time and cost-efficient way
  • Stay one step ahead of your competitors by being seen and visibly present at the event


  1. Participation virtually in the B2B event is free of charge.
    -> Register for free for the B2B event here and choose virtual participation

  2. Participationon-site requires a registration to the Digital Rail Convention 2021 which offers an extensive additional programme. Please note: A limited number of discounts are available to registered participants of the on-site B2B event.

    I. Register for the B2B event here and choose at least on-site participation,
    II. Receive Promo - Code,
    III. Register for the conference here  (Normal fee: 500 Euro, reduced fee with Promo-Code for on-site B2B-participants: 430 Euro).

Meet us at Twitter

Closed since 7 September 2021
Tagungszentrum im Gebäude der Evangelische Schulgemeinschaft Erzgebirge (EGE)
Organised by
Germany 28
Türkiye 17
China 6
Spain 5
United Kingdom 4
Italy 4
Slovenia 3
Romania 3
Ukraine 3
Kosovo 3
Bulgaria 2
India 2
Poland 1
Japan 1
Portugal 1
Switzerland 1
Israel 1
Finland 1
Russia 1
Netherlands 1
Uruguay 1
Belgium 1
Austria 1
Total 91